As you will be aware this year sees the Centenary Celebrations of Scouting
We have had the Area Centenary Camp at the end of May and the next major event is the World Jamboree which starts on 28th July at Hyland Park in Essex.
The first ever Scout Camp was held on Brownsea Island in 1st August 1907. As part of the Centenary celebrations every member of the Scout Association will hopefully be attending a "Scouting Sunrise" event on the morning of the 1st August
The 12 th Cub Scouts
are planning this for
5.30 a.m. on the morning
of the 1st August at Barnweil
Monument, near Craigie
village, a map is at the
bottom of this page. Car
Park space has been made
available at the farm
adjacent to the Monument.
Everyone will repeat their
promise on this occassion
and Bill Hamilton is going
to rustle up some bacon
rolls or the like for