Law and Promise

Akela's Welcome to the new Session

Welcome to another session which promises to be packed with events. 2007 is the centenary year of Scouting and as such many activies have been planned in order to commemorate this. We will try our best to keep you informed of all the activities in plenty of time.

The cub section will try to circulate a news letter whenever appropriate and we will try to include a diary of coming events.

Just a few reminders : Cubs meet on Thursday evenings starting at 6.45pm and finishing at 8.15pm. We are going to try to finish sharp as the Kingcase Players are needing into the hall after us. Please bring your son into the hall and come in to pick him up at the end of the evening. This is purely for the safety of your son. You will be given an emergency contact form to fill in and return as soon as possible.

Weekly subs are £1.00. This money goes towards paying for the badges which the boys achieve and other incidentals throughout the year such as Hallowe'en Party, Burns Night, Craft Nights etc. There is also a Capitation Fee which all members of the Scouting organisation (including leaders and helpers) have to pay. This money goes to Scout Headquarters and covers things such as insurance for all members. Whenever the amount is set we will let you know.

Cubs run during the school term time and we take the same holidays. Please try to have a look at the notice board in the foyer at Church and our web site www.12thayrshire.org as we will put up important news, dates etc. as reminders.





Sept 7th Cubs start
Sept 24th Cubs 90th Birthday Party at Culzean (Cost £3.00 :Details to follow)
Oct 19th No cubs - school holiday
Oct 26th Cubs start/Hallowe'en Party
Nov 12th Remembrance Sunday
Nov 30th St Andrew's Night
Dec 14th Pantomime at Gaiety (TBC) Last night before Christmas
Jan ? Details to follow as the Church Panto is held on 18th Jan
Click here for the main calendar for the Group


I need to draw to your attention to the fact that now if taking children to and from events, those children under 4ft 6in require a booster seat. This is a legal requirement, not a Scout one.

If you would like to help out occasionally or if you have an area of expertise which would help us out in badge work please let us know as we would be delighted to have your assistance.

Akela Cub Scout Leader (Christy Halbert)
Contact 01292475679